Can you imagine an organisation without innovation? The ability to innovate is something that we must all have, and nurture, if we are to be successful as individuals and as teams. Without innovation, we fall into stagnation.
But even the most creative, forward-thinking of us often find it difficult to practise the art of innovation. It’s all too easy to become pre-occupied with immediate demands, and this can mean that finding the space you need to innovate becomes very difficult.
A space to innovate
Making space for innovation can be almost impossible when you’re at your desk. Phonecalls, emails and meetings are constant barriers, keeping you anchored in the here and now. To innovate, you must think beyond the here and now.
The answer is clear: take time out away from those demands, and allow yourself the freedom you need to develop your ideas and creativity. Our Art of Innovation sessions are a chance for you, your team or your organisation to do exactly that.
What happens on an Art of Innovation session?
You will learn how you can use innovation every day.
We’ll start by talking about how innovative you already are, and how you can showcase your abilities. Then, we’ll look at how we can develop your skills.
We’ll see how you can choose the right ideas to innovate with, and use your creativity to implement them. You’ll find out how you can develop an innovation approach that you can integrate into your work, and that of your whole organisation.
You’ll come away with new skills and ideas, ready to create an innovation plan or strategy for your team and your own work .
Here’s what people say about the session:
I learned how to order ideas and collect them in a structured way.
A very efficient way to think outside of the boundaries and generate information.
New techniques for analysing situations.
Hats off, thanks for the expertise.
Well done, very creative and innovative.
Great session, thank you for teaching me something new today.
It is worth it, you gave us a different way of thinking.
Very enjoyable and informative, I will use these techniques in my daily routine.
An excellent use of time, it re-kindled my creative thoughts.